Stuff that cracked me up this week

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All I can say is,
if you’re going to put dildos out there,
people are going to pick them up
and act like nine-year olds with them.
I’m pretty sure, faced with a plastic purple penis,
everyone turns into a nine-year old.

(Someone sent me this photo. Anyone have a cred?)




This is the most snortworthy  video of the week.
Possibly of the year so far.


I felt a little bad for the kitten. But then I remembered they grow into cats.
And cats are dicks. So, anyway.   Ya….. Here you go.

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No children died in the making of this video. I don’t think. Though I can’t be certain.
My German is rusty. And by that, I mean I can order beer and ask where the bathroom is.

Only a German would go ahead and post a video in which his kid got squished like a bug.
Oh, you silly Germans.


photo 2

Thanks Epic Fail. Photo cred?




Happy Friday, y’all!
I hope your weekend is
better than the best dump
you’ve ever taken.

In. your. life.







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