Stuff that cracked me up this week.

This dude either has a rockstar-party amount of beer in his fridge. Or bodies in his freezer. Original image here.


Religion explained.

…now I get it.




I am. dying. laughing. You have to click the image below and check this out…



If you need a cute-fix, here’s the stuff, right here…


And finally, your deep thought for the weekend….
No matter how hard you try, you cannot baptize the cat.

Happy Friday, everyone!

Excuse me. What?

Most people look at me like I have a penis on my forehead.* Let’s just be clear… I don’t.  The expression varies, from one person to the next. But when you lack filters like I do, you become accustomed to the range of looks. So of course, I understand other people with no filters. I do, however try to remain aware of others’ feelings. And I do my best not to be hurtful. I guess I expect that other no-filter people will do the same.

Oh, and I totally apologize if you actually DO have a penis on your forehead. I didn’t know, and it was insensitive of me to publicly make light of it.

I’m always taken aback when someone, under the guise of being a jokester, blathers on in a purposely pointed and passive aggressive manner. The technical name for this personality type is asshat. I see several of you nodding your heads. Glad I could clear that up for you. It’s totally my pleasure. More on this later. I’ll bring it back around, I promise.

So recently I was in Starbucks, having coffee with a friend. I find myself trying to get out of the house more often lately, since my husband is unemployed. And it’s impossible to hear myself think with his “singing” and whistling I like to stay out of his way. He’s on a generous severance package, so I’m not worried yet. I only throw up once a week, and the diarrhea and heart palpitations are totally manageable. Ok, maybe I’m feeling some stress. But I choose to remain positive and confident that he’ll find a comparable way better position than the one he just left. Around here we don’t speak in terms of “if,” but “when.”

So as my friend and I are saying hi, an old friend of my husband’s stopped to say hello as well. Now, folks, you know how when you carve out a sliver of time to hang with your girlfriends, you’ve got important stuff to cover—tit sag, the efficacy of botox, my kids’ lack of initiative, her mom’s vaginal atrophy. Ya, people. It’s totally a thing. I’ll bet you didn’t know you can get a prescription dildo for something, huh? I’m such a fucking wealth of information. But that’s all I’ve got for you on that. Google it. I’m honestly afraid to. There’s just shit I don’t need to know/see. But hey, you can go for it. Though don’t blame me for any weird lists you may end up on.

Ok, so obviously, in this limited amount of girlfriend time, when you’ve got stuff to cover, a half-hour review of photos, and financial rundown of your husband’s friend’s millionaire-friend’s parent’s estate and business holdings isn’t really on the agenda. Especially since I’ve sat through the recounts of the sycophant follies before. Several times. Now, in addition to the millionaire memoirs, he told us he had sold his home, and was in the process of moving to Reno. You know what that means if you live around here. For those of you who don’t, “moving to Reno” is code for “things are sucking ass, financially.” Humor aside, people… I felt bad for him.

I gave him my husband’s new cell phone number, hoping he would excuse himself and go make the phone call. Maybe they could commiserate. However, he opted instead to make the call. loudly. while sitting at our table. He couldn’t wait to do the, “I’m sitting here with your wife” schtick. It really should be legal to carry, and use a cattle prod on people. Seriously. I’m seeing a business opportunity. Bedazzled cattle prods with cute decorative carry-along cases. A perfect gift. My genius never ceases to amaze me.

Eventually he hung up and ran out of photos of other people’s crap to show us, and decided to perform a little asshat contortion before heading out the door. He felt it was necessary to impart his wisdom on the horrors of the job market. And to assure me that my husband’s severance will run out, and he’ll be sorry he left his job.

“He’ll be begging to go back and do that two-hour drive home every day. Just you watch. You guys will be moving to Reno by September.” (insert dickish, self-satisfied cackle)

It was like watching a passive aggressive thrill kill. He, of course tried to package it like humor. But the intent was transparent and pathetic. And he enjoyed it, far more than an actual friend should. He enjoyed the fact that my husband’s out of work. I didn’t feel bad for him any longer. What an asshat. (I told you I’d bring it back around.)

At that moment I felt, for once, what it was like to look at someone with the “ohmygod you have a forehead-penis” look. Though I’m sure there was far more disdain in my eyes than anything. Always trying to remain positive on the outside, I was saying, “Ya, uh huh, it’ll be fine.” On the inside I was assuring myself that he was a pig, raised by monkeys, and though difficult with his little cloven hooves, probably still throws his poop.

It’s sad that financial issues bring out the worst in people, and bare their true colors. It’s also sad that someone who has been a friend for over thirty years would impart such an unfathomable lack of sensitivity and social aptitude. Fortunately, he’s not my longtime friend. And the feelings I’m experiencing have more to do with standing by my man, than the loss of a friend poo flinger.

Eventually my friend and I got to get back to our girlfriend conversation. And I learned some really important shit that I’ll pass along. Here you go… the most important nugget I’ll offer today: vaginal atrophy… use it or lose it.

You’re welcome.


*Wouldn’t a forehead penis-placement save SO much time, y’all? If I could patent that, I totally would. Think of the time it would save. I don’t need to point out specifics here. But you know what I mean, ladies. And that doesn’t begin to cover the ease of camping and road trips. It’s pure genius.

The cat made me do it.

I’m a little short on time today. And a little stabby. I have some posters to put up.

I would never trap a cat and feed it to the coyotes. But it’s someone else’s turn to lose sleep. What kind of a person leaves their cat out all night in an area crawling with coyotes? Douche canoes. That’s who.

Happy hump day.

Training Mom


I used to think my dog was as dumb as a head of cabbage. Seriously, I’m not so sure any more. We had an understanding. I put down disposable pads for her. And only if, after unsuccessfully attempting to alert me that she needed to do some business, I happily reluctantly accepted that she’d use the pad. I assumed this would last only as long as it took for me to bribe her into making sure she does her business outside. But we’ve been doing this so long, that the pads, which have now been named Lily pads, are purchased by the case. I’m telling you, hope is slipping.

I have to cut her some slack. Lily is a rescue. If you were passed around like a bong backstage at a Stones concert, you’d be a little fucked up too. After almost a year, she’s finally settled in, and seems plenty comfortable with us. But I’m still waiting for her to unpack her brain, and stop being such a dick.

Calling Lily timid would be like calling the Pope just a little religious. I found out right away that yelling at the kids with her in the same room makes her piss herself in fear. And when I say herself, I mean, not so much herself as much as the rug. Charming, right? The one time I yelled at her, she pissed herself and hid under the bed for an hour. I thought she did this out of fear and stupidity. But now I’m convinced she’s eight pounds of master manipulation. I swear to you, she’s in cahoots with the kids. I think they’ve paid her off in salmon biscuits. I can no longer scream at the kids with reckless abandon without the dog fouling the rug. Clearly I need to step up my game here. Because I’m not winning.

And, high maintenance—jeeeeeeeez. When she first came to us, she wouldn’t eat from her bowl at all. The clank of her dog tag on the side of it would stick her to the ceiling like a cat on acid. I thought if she got hungry enough, she’d get over it. I was going with the tough-love training. But as it turns out, a terrier’s fear is more powerful than her hunger. I’m telling you, there’s not much more pathetic/entertaining than a starving dog sitting in front of a full bowl of food, barking at it. Yes, not kidding—barking at it. I gave up and started feeding her off of a saucer. Some things aren’t worth the effort. That, and the entertainment value wore off pretty quickly. She won. Again.

I brought the bowl out once in a while—partly as a test, partly for giggles. And partly as revenge for being a general pain in the ass. Not really. I’m not that cruel. Well… maybe? But recently she’s decided she can eat from it—very timidly, if the food is all pushed to the front of the bowl. At first she looked like she was walking to the edge of a ten-story building. Lowering her head to grab some food, her tag would clank, and she would tense. Then a momentary hesitation, with statue-like rigidity, as if she was waiting for a motion-sensitive bomb to blow. When nothing exploded, she’d grab a mouthful of kibble and run to the rug and drop it all. Then eat them, one by one. This was the ritual with every mouthful. Approach. Clank. Bomb anxiety. No bomb. And grab and run. I felt guilty laughing at her. But it was comical to watch. It’s been a while, and she and her food bowl have mostly made peace. But she still barks at the last few pieces of food that get pushed to the back of the bowl. Someone has to come and push it all to the front, or she won’t eat it. I just shake my head and follow her orders. I’m fully trained now.

I let my daughter put clothes on her. This seems like a good start on the payback. Right?

I’ve given up on those Lily pads too. They’re here to stay. Asking her if she needs to go out usually results in her dropping down and throwing her head on the floor, in child-like defiance. Of course, five minutes later she’s pissing in the hall on her pad. And if that’s not enough, yesterday she came in and, while looking at me, squeezed out a deuce on the pad. What the hell? Really? Who the fuck takes a dump while looking someone in the eye? I’ll tell you who. An asshole. That’s who. My dog is an asshole.

Don’t get me wrong. I love this stupid dog/asshole. She’s very sweet, and it melts my heart to watch how much she adores my kids. I firmly believe it’s a conspiracy to drive me nuts. And to mold me to their whims. Maybe we’re all just here to teach one another how to be better beings. I think she’s here to work on my patience. I’d like to think so anyway. But what I do know, is my kids and the dog are in it together. And I’m plotting my revenge.


Ok. I had to add this follow up.
This is Lily. Notice her food pushed to the back of the bowl, and the pleading look. And then the resignation when no one will help her get her food from the back of the bowl.

Note: As soon as I stopped recording, my husband (also a trained human) helped her out.
No dogs were harmed in the making of the video.

Stuff that cracked me up this week


Whoa, cool. It looks like there just might be help out there.







Photo: Dallas Kilponen

Wombats shit bricks. I swear, people. They poop cubes. Check it out for yourselves. And apparently some weirdos make wombat-turd paper? Now I’m imagining dog poop in a wombat poo paper bag. That should burn like a stinkass son-of-a-gun, huh? I may need to commit that to memory for future use. •••  Want more?


SERIOUSLY!? I’m thinking most boys know that boning a hornets’ nest is a bad thing. But I guess there truly are guys out there who will poke anything that moves. A+ for bravery. F for unadulterated, (or would it be adulterated?) stupidity. Dude, even I know you don’t go poking a hornet’s nest. Jeez.

Doesn’t Sweden have SWEDISH bikini models? Was this hornets’ nest the best option for this guy?


Here’s a couple of videos that I had to share…
I did not think I could possibly like this song any more than I do. Or than I don’t. Whatever. This version rates a solid Five Depends on the pee-yer-pants scale.

I’ve never lived alone. But I could totally see myself turning into this chick. She must eat brussel sprouts. Don’t you think?

Enjoy your holiday weekend. I’m going to go see if I can find some wombat-crap paper. I’m just weird that way.

You people are sick

If you’re a savvy subscriber and you’ve been getting your daily dose of Bullcasm this week, you’re up to date on the Gummy Saga. If not, there’s still hope for you. Isn’t that nice of me? If you don’t want to miss out in the future, you can subscribe over there on the right sidebar. ———>
And then you can catch up below. Dang. I am such a giver.

So anyhooo… now you’re all caught up. I’ll keep it brief today. Cuz that was a lot of reading this week, huh? The photo below is in response to requests for Gummy Cannibal follow-up photos.     Seriously?

Apparently the verdict is in, and three out of three Gummies prefer red meat.

You people are sick.

Oh well. Ok then… here you go. Sorry for the graphic nature. I know. It’s pretty gruesome. No one said cannibalism was pretty. And you asked for it.

And on a related note, YES, I’m feeling a little lazy today. Hey, it’s a short read. You’re welcome!

It’s FRIDAY! I hope you all have a lovely, non-cannibalistic weekend.



So my son read my post earlier today. And he was all like,
“Mom, you never really made a point.”

And I was all like,
“Duh, I couldn’t hear myself think. And there really wasn’t one.
Except that you were bugging me.
That, and I didn’t kill you. Even though you make me crazy.
And you should never be a douche canoe.
Oh ya, and I love you.”

And then he was like, “Oh.”

Some people really need to be more grateful when you don’t kill them.
I wonder where that box of Hot Wheel track is.

On parenting and alternative uses for Hot Wheel track

My son before turning into a scary teenager.

Honestly, I love my kids more than free shoes and Midori margaritas. If you’re not familiar with my arbitrary scale, that’s a lot. But I swear to you, no matter how much I love them, I still really, really want to whack them in the head sometimes.

No need to call Child Protective Services. I’m not the punchy, kicky type. And I don’t hit my kids. Maybe that’s why there are times that the thought of smacking my son in the forehead with a piece of Hot Wheel track brings such joy to me. I find myself unconsciously giggling and wringing my hands. People gaze at me with that look. You know that look right? Ok, maybe it’s just me. But when I see that look on people’s’ faces, I realize I’m doing the cackling evil genius thing out loud. And then I tell them to mind their own cheese eating business. Jeez. Can’t a girl have a fantasy moment? Cut me some slack. Kids can make you really crazy, you know?

Like today, for instance, my son is home with me. Have you ever tried to do anything productive with an ADD teen in the house? Holy fuck in a fart taco, you guys. It’s harder than trying to maintain composure with an angry mongoose up your pant leg. And only just slightly less painful. There is NO concentrating on anything here. ANYthing. If I haven’t made any sense at all so far, that’s why.

Raising kids is a bitch. And it most certainly has the potential to turn a girl into a raging one. And if you run across a parent who says otherwise, ask them for a hit of their medical marijuana. Because they’ve obviously got the good stuff. I’ve known people who, pre-kids, were the coolest, more fun people ever. Then after a couple of weeks/months/years as parents—it takes some longer than others—they turn into preachy, judgmental douche canoes.

The worst ones look around and see that nothing anyone else is doing is deemed as acceptable, or responsible parenting. I, personally don’t think that generalizations have a place in parenting. Every kid is different. And those parents who want to judge other parents on their choices, need to be tied up and stuffed into a time machine. Because (in my opinion), everyone should be forced to see how their own kids turn out, before being allowed to judge others. Not every child turns out to be the President. And thank (name your deity) for that. I can’t think of a more awful job. So, ya, douche canoes, your kids can be the President, (Yay you!), if they don’t crumble under your pressure to be perfect, and turn into crack heads. Which, by the way, is probably slightly ahead of the President as suckiest life aspiration. But that’s just my opinion, of course.

Parenting involves a whole lot of planning, and then even more stomping your feet, yelling, “Shit shit SHIT,” and then changing your plans. Or maybe that’s just me. But no matter what you decide for your kids, they are their own little people. And eventually will make their own choices. And if you’re a total dickweed about things now, chances are they’ll just go ahead and do what they choose, and choose to not talk to you about it along the way.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not referring to basic morality. You can instill, brainwash, whatever you want to call it. I’m all about that. Basic morality is society’s cornerstone. Right? Have at it. But if you’re going to preach it, you’d damn well better practice it. Because kids see so much more than you think. And they’re more likely to follow what you do, rather than what you say. If that scares you… well… I’m just sayin.’

I think the most important thing for kids to know is that they have loving, caring parents, who demonstrate good values and are willing to listen to them, and accept them. When they’re willing to talk. (If you have teens, you totally get this.) Sometimes they need to retreat into themselves. This is ok with me. I mean, hell, it gives me a nice break. In fact, I wish my son would do a little of that retreating thing right now.

I just hope my kids are able to follow their passion. I try to give them enough (I think) non-judgemental leeway to figure out what that is.  I hope they can do something in life that makes them excited to get out of bed every morning. Yes kids, I will make your asses go to college. But you decide what floats your boat. It doesn’t matter what it is. Somehow you can find a way to make a living doing something related to your passion. The worst thing you can do is wake up when you’re forty and figure out that you hate what you’ve become, and realize the road back is a long, and sometimes impossible one. There’s not much worse than that. Not even an angry mongoose up your pant leg. Or a mom with a piece of Hot Wheel track.

But what do I know? My kids have already made me batshit crazy.

Gummy revolt

If you had four gummy bear vitamins left unattended on your counter, what would you do? Ok, ya, judgy-mommies, if you actually chose to come back after yesterday, I understand you wouldn’t have any gummy bear vitamins. Just play along, ok? (Lost? Read yesterday’s post, you’ll understand what I’m talking about.) I mean, c’mon, these lonely gummies are like the drunks passed out in the corner at a fraternity party. Some things are bound to end up with Sharpie eyebrows. Or worse.

MY gummy bear cannibal scene. Awesome, right?

We’re all about playing with our food here. Technically, I know, this is playing with other people’s food. Which is probably frowned upon in certain social circles. But since we’re the deviants in our circles, whatevs. It’s not like I’d ever make a snowman with a penis out of your mashed potatoes at a formal event. Some people can be so touchy about their mashed potatoes. Anyway, the way I see it, they left the gummies there. So they had to expect that someone like me would come along and mess with them. Am I right?

My thought was if they noticed them, the offending vitamin shunners would pick them up and eat them. Of course the “eat me” theme was already on the table. So I stuck with it, while still trying to hold on to our PG rating. Although I’m pretty sure I’ve already screwed that pooch at some point. Anyway, I went with a gummy bear cannibal scene. I had to step back and admire my work. I will admit that I’d seen this done once somewhere. So I really can’t take creative credit. But timing is everything, my friends.

Yes, it says, “Sacrifice” on the napkin.

But then, check this out. I couldn’t even bask in my own glory for a while. I came back a few minutes later, with all my smug satisfaction, and my son had outdone me. And I may say, handed me my ass. I think he wins this round with the sacrificial bear scene. Well played, Grasshopper. I tip my hat to the rising master. And I bow my head in reverence and defeat.

You’re the man. Now take your vitamins.

P.S. Kids, I never made a snowman with a penis at a formal. They’re lying. It never happened.

P.P.S. To a certain unnamed formal date who knows who he is: ipzay ouryay iplay.

P.P.P.S., yes I know gummies are condoms in German slang. I just didn’t feel like typing “gummy bear vitamins” every time. And it made me giggle. And snort. And it was an opportunity for a fun fact. You’re welcome.

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Eat me.

I do my best to be a good mom. I shop the organic produce. And I try not to overload the brussel sprouts with too much bacon. Heh, I said too much bacon. As if. But seriously. How else are you supposed to get those evil little things down? Ok, I confess, they’re not so bad. My son and I have actually taken a liking to them. Or maybe it’s all the bacon and cheese. Not really. Well, maybe a little bit. Ok, a lot. My husband, however is not a fan at all. And no amount of bacon or cheese will change that. But I’ll keep trying. I know he envies the impressive post-brussel sprout pants cannon. I’m sure he’s considered crossing over to the dark leafy green side just for the prospect of the sheer volume of ammo. I mean who wouldn’t, right?

But really, I do what I can. I even bought kale today. Not sure how that’s going to go. I guess if all else fails that shit will be drop-dead gorgeous in a floral arrangement. I’m seeing it with some really nice peonies. Right? So, admittedly we tend to be a little leafy green deficient here. I try to compensate by keeping frozen blueberries for snacks. Now that’s some good stuff. However, as I’m well aware, not a perfect sub for the green farter starters. But we do our best.

Now, I know that all the judgy-mommy types slather the hate on us vitamin-doling moms. But hey, a little multi-vitamin can’t hurt, right?? I figure it’s kind of like a little extra insurance. Not like the kind of insurance that the car rental people try to sell you, even when your credit card insurance will cover damages. (Thank you AMEX. Side view mirrors in some of those old Spanish cities are just doomed anyway.) But we’re talking like the good kind of insurance. Like pet life insurance. Oh wait. Do they have that? OMG they totally should. Genius, I tell you. I’m a fucking genius. Flo, have your people call

So every morning I put out vitamins for everyone. And the good ones too. The gummy bears. Because seriously, good moms put candy out for their kids in the morning. Right? Hell yes. And you know what? My family just doesn’t appreciate my efforts. Half the time those poor gummy bears sit their, so lonely, all day long. There have even been days that they’re still there the next morning. What the hell with that?? I even write whorey notes on behalf of the poor little guys. My humor is lost on these people.

Look. My family is lucky. I’ve not been one of those moms who sneaks spinach into the brownies and pretends it’s just nummy. You moms are sick, by the way. What the hell is wrong with you? Is nothing sacred to you people? Trust me, they can taste it. Just because it works with pot, does not mean it works with spinach. Stop it. You’re making all moms look bad. *pffft* You scoff at me for giving my family vitamins? Well here’s a news flash for you. Your kids are tossing your nastyass Popeye brownies into the dog’s bowl on the way out the door to their friend’s house, where they’re getting the real deal. With no fucking spinach.

At any rate, I’m slowly figuring out the guerilla produce-pusher tactics. I’m actually full of shit. I’ve tried to hide stuff in smoothies. My kids have fucking ninja noses. It’s a no go, people. I’m just envious of some of the hiding techniques you guys have out there. Except the spinach brownies. Stop that. Nuts, people. That’s the only thing remotely healthy that go into brownies. Nuts. Got it? If rabbits like your brownies, there’s something wrong with them. Squirrels are ok.

But honestly, I feel like my priority should be for my kids to know what they’re eating, and to decide they like it, rather than me hiding it. Because when they grow up, no one will be there to trick them into eating their spinach. I’ll make them like it if it kills me. Or not. I’m realistic. If all else fails, put it under a coat of bacon and cheese. Meanwhile I’ll keep pimping the gummy bears and hope for the best.